
Archive for June, 2015

After a really crazy spring, we are starting to settle in to a busy summer.  We were blessed with a LOT of rain.  Two tornadoes side swiped our home but left no damage.  We mainly got the rain, high winds, and hail.  The tornadoes passed within 4 miles of our home each time.  Four miles may seem a good distance, but can be awfully close when you are talking about tornadoes.  There were downed trees at neighbors near our home and other minor damage.  We were lucky.  We have had some flooding issues, but the house sits high enough on a hill that it was spared any damage from that as well.

Now, the weather is starting to warm up and it is beginning to feel more like summer.  Thankfully, the intense heat hasn’t come yet.  After all the rain, the humidity is high as the ground dries out.

Little Miss has finished her schooling for last term and has already (at her request) begun her next school term lessons.  She is wanting to school year round and take more breaks throughout the year.  We school on a 4-day per week schedule.  With Little Man having therapies one day a week, this works out well.  On therapy day, Little Miss does her reading assignments or takes another assignment with her to do while Little Man is in his Occupational, Physical, and Speech therapy sessions.

It makes for a busy week, but we are enjoying it.  We are keeping the weekends completely free so that we can enjoy family time while Daddy is home.  On Saturdays, we do the outdoor chores and have fun together.  This leaves Sundays free to travel to the city and attend church services.

I am looking at a new curriculum that Little Man’s Occupational therapist is excited about.  I found out that Memoria Press has a Special Needs curriculum and showed it to her.  This curriculum is designed to go by the developmental age of the child and works on specific developmental skills each level of the program.  I love that I was able to print out the list of skills each level works on.  Armed with this, I am able to work with his OT and come up with goals to work towards.  She can see at a glance what areas we are focusing on and use this information in preparing for her sessions with Little Man.

I am still incorporating elements of Montessori into Little Man’s schooling as well as using the Letter of the Week curriculum from Confessions of a Homeschooler.

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