
Archive for January, 2011

This is a new venture for me.  I have been wanting a place to be able to blog about our family’s lifestyle. 

We live on a 20 acre property that we are turning into our family homestead.  We have been living a non-electric lifestyle for 3 years now.  Currently, I am limited to the library’s computer access, but am planning to get solar power enough to allow us to have a netbook computer to allow more access from home.

My husband is a truck driver and drive cross country for several weeks at a time.  My oldest child and her family have moved onto the homestead and help with the heavier work while learning to be self-reliant themselves.

My husband and I have 2 young children.  They are a joy and a blessing as they came later in life.  Our daughter is an outgoing typical, 5 yr old little girl whom I homeschool.  Our son, age 3, is a special blessing as he has classic Autism. 

We have found that the quiet lifestyle that we live has been a great benefit to our son especially.  He has much fewer over stimulation issues than many autistic children deal with.  We take the children on outings and to places where electricity and other stimulations are prevalent to allow them access as well as to help our son adjust to them.

Currently, we are facing the issue of having to rebuild our home.  Our home is a 1890 farmhouse that has problems that are too costly to repair.  So, in the coming year we are going to be starting to build a small home on the homestead that will serve our needs much better.

Along with this, we are preparing to garden and possibly get a few farm animals to raise for food.  It is a lot to do, but we are eager and have been preparing for this for some time now.

I will be posting updates and glimpses into our homestead life in future posts.

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